a soft pretzel. WHY I have no idea......but I am. Could be because I cannot even remember the last time I had an actual carbohydrate! :)
AND here is a recipe for HOMEMADE soft pretzels...which are made similarly like bagels! (I SHOULD NEVER have posted this photo...it made the craving worse!)
1 cup warm water
1 package dry active yeast
1 1/2 cups flour
2 tbs. vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/4 cup flour
4 cups water
2 tbs. baking soda
2 tbs. coarse salt
Dissolve the yeast in the warm water and let stand for 10 minutes. Add the vegetable oil, salt and 1 1/2 cups flour. Stir together until thoroughly combined. Add remaining flour and knead dough for 5 minutes. Let the dough rest for 1 hour.
Divide the dough into 12 equal shapes and reform them into small balls. Let them rest for 15 minutes. Roll them into 18" lengths and form them into pretzel shapes or cut each length in half to make sticks. Preheat oven to 475 degrees.
In a large pot, place the baking soda and water to a boil. Let the pretzels rise for a 1/2 hour. Add the pretzels to the boiling water for 1 minute. Remove and place on a greased sheet pan. Sprinkle with coarse salt and bake for 12 minutes
I am also missing my Multiply blog tremendously. I should never have deleted my account. I am an idiot. I have done this before....you would think I would learn. I have emailed them once again asking them if I could have my account back. HOPEFULLY I can.....no word yet. I am getting tired of waiting to hear from them..so I may have to just open another account. I know...patience....it has been a holiday after all.
The pretzel does sound yummy, and looks yummy too.
I doubt if half a prestzel would wreck everything for you. I have three frozen ones in the freezer right now, Becky had bought a box of 6 and fixed three one night when she was here. Left the other three, which we'll have to fix the next time she comes over alone. And believe it or not, they are pretty good.
I can remember the frozen pretzels, I think they were called, nuggets, I forget how many you got in a box. Sometimes after work, I would come home and bake the whole box, and eat the whole box myself, because by then your Dad had already gone to bed. But then I noticed, the next evening at work, it seemed like I was so gassy. So I had to stop doing that. Ha!Ha!. Usually I was only able to eat the whole box, because I had not eaten any supper at work and was able to leave work early that way.
And if I knew then what I know now, I would have worked till this June 30th. That would have given me three more years of working, and the state takes the three highest pay periods to base your retirement benefits. Plus, and this makes no sense, after I turned 65, I was able to draw half of your Dad's SS each month. After I quit working, they figure 2/3 of my retirement before any hospitalization is taken out and deduct it from half of his SS and I ended up with NOTHING. I even have to pay my own medicare a month. I'm in what they call the offset bracket. Which really sucks.
Well enough of my bit**ing. I told your Dad this morning, we have to start living on a budget, no more spending like we've done in the past when I was working and he had extra money coming in, we longer have that, we're now on a fixed income and the small raise we get each year does not keep up with the increases in everything we need daily, weekly, or monthly.
But then you know how that can be.
Love you,
TMI mom ...TMI!!
Yes one would do me damage because it could pose the potential for me to think another would be okay....or if I think this is okay...another time I might think something else is okay....and it just isn't. SO I am better off not giving into it to begin with.
Yes it sounds like you got the raw end of the deal. Noah gets the shaft in a similar fashion with SSI. BUT....God always provides and will continue to do so which is a blessing indeed!
LOVE you mom!
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