Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chester showed.....says the landlord needs to call a plumber.....DUH.....haha


Patty said...

I knew I should have copied my first comment before saying I wanted to view it, now it's gone.
What I said was, who the devil is Chester? Apparently a friend of the landlord. Do these two men think you are stupid or something? Do they think you don't know when a plumber is needed? Anyone with some common sense would know that, I don't think you had to have a man show up to tell you what you already knew. And I bet he got paid for that to. Well at least, maybe, perhaps now one will arrive. Hang in there. Love you, Mom

Melinda said...

I don't know mom....some men don't think women know much of anything at all! hahaha

the landlord admits he does not know much....he has told me numerous times I know more than he does....which makes me wonder why he took on a job as a rental property owner.

Melissa said...

Well, I would have told Chester...No shit!