Sunday, January 25, 2004

why do we save things to do on the weekends anyway? Seems by then we end up always "too tired" or "have a headache" or "feel sick"...and things never get accomplished! Then you strive the entire next week to accomplish those same things and are lucky if you get them done cause then you "
don't have time" or are "too tired cause you don't have enough time and have to work" or "have a headache"..hahaha. The cycle goes on and on. Oh well....guess there will always be something to do.

AGAIN getting a late start to my work. The name Noah means "comfort from work, rest, peace, find rest in Christ". VERY appropriate for my NOAH!!

Noah goes back to school tomorrow and I am already dreading it as I fear we will get some kind of phone call telling us he has done something he should not.

Called Cheryl in Ohio last night. Not sure about her sometimes.

Keith's son Dale emailed and said his future in-laws wanted to meet at least KEITH since he is planning on marrying their daughter. Found his email a bit interesting. He gave Terra an engagement ring for Christmas. Not sure WHEN they may be talking about one has ever really said. Since there seems to be a RUSH on about MEETING....I wonder if perhaps they are thinking THIS YEAR in the summer or something? Course meeting ME or NOAH is apparently not necessary......but I guess Dale assumes if they meet Keith they will at the same time meet me and Noah. HELLO! Yes I guess Keith could meet these people by himself somewhere...but that would be a bit odd too wouldn't it? I mean he is remarried now...and has a new child. I could care less about meeting these people and don't feel it is an actual requirement that needs to be completed BEFORE Dale marries their daughter. He has never seemed to concerned about all of us meeting before now...and Terra and him have been serious for some time now. It always comes down to that with his other kids...they are all the same. It always ends up about THEM and what THEY NEED to get something they want in the end. Never concerns for Keith or us or anything like that. They are all pretty selfish and expect things on a silver platter. I get pretty tired of their crap to be honest and get the attitude WHY EVEN BOTHER pretending to be an "extended family" when the ONLY time we hear from them is when they want something anyway. They don't even send Keith a CARD let alone anything else for his birthday or Father's phone calls...he usually has to call them. Just amazing to me. MANY times I have wanted to tell them what I think...but then realize like that WOULD MATTER TO ANY OF THEM? I am just sick of it all. So I am sure we will do this little meeting at some point..although what's wrong with waiting to meet at the rehearsal dinner or whatever? I guess that would be okay. I mean this marriage and wedding is not contingent on meeting Keith is it? Brother...hahaha.

I have to work now....

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