Friday, March 09, 2007

ride the rails...

this poem I wrote is dedicated to my son Noah, a boy who loves trains

If I had one wish to give to you, to help you in your life
I'd wish for you a lifetime free, of any pain or strife
To live each day abundantly, carefree and full of joy
To seize an opportunity, though yet you're still a boy
To remember when you're under stress and need to get away
To hop that train and ride the rails, any time, night or day
The train is filled with magic to carry your hopes and dreams
To distant lands and faraway places, as the rails below you scream
There you'll know no limits, there's nothing to hold you back
As long as you believe you can, that train will stay on its tracks

Copyright ©2007 Melinda A. Napoletano
Image Source: Yahoo Images

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