Sunday, January 13, 2008


associated with betrayal
and abuse of trust
is one of the worst kinds

why do we desire the truth
seek the truth
want the truth
to set us free

when it is that same truth
which can harden our hearts
and cause doubt and fear

upon its revelation
one might feel as if
their stomach was being ripped from within

it doubles you over with dry heaves
soon followed by an intense heartache
and massive overflow of tears

our fight or flight takes over
and we swiftly paddle for life
our sinking ships into a river of denial

for we long ago learned
we had the ability
to create our own reality
and choose to believe
anything we wished

when truth is too painful
or becomes too unbearable a burden
we pretend it is no longer the truth
and we proceed to sugar coat it with our favorite candied toppings
to make it more palatable
much easier for us to swallow

but it never makes it easier for one to live with oneself
because that same truth
is always present
never falters
always resurfaces
again and again

till we no longer have a choice
but to see it
for what it truly is
like it...or not

Copyright ©2008 man


Cathrine said...

and you are very brave
and the truth is the one that has to face you
not the other way around
beautiful poem :)

Melinda said...

thank you Cathrine