Friday, October 12, 2007

something new at my local library......PLAYAWAYS!

Imagine my surprise to see a relatively new technology at my local behind-the-times library when I stopped in yesterday. NEW audiobooks called PLAYAWAYS! AN entirely NEW more CDs or cassettes or bulky stuff to carry around. They are preloaded audiobooks!

This is about the size of a small calculator.....and all you do is plug in headphones to listen. Can be easily carried with you anywhere you go......very much like an iPod.

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I did check out one to try......though their selection left a little to be desired.

I also saw this new little gadget on TV ......a credit card sized digital photo album you can carry with you in your wallet or billfold! It stores 50 digital photos!

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Technology is coming out with amazing things! I also love the digital notepads......where you can write on a legal pad......and it will digitally store all you write...and then using special can upload it to your PC into TYPED TEXT!!!!!!! COULD be the answer to my horrific handwriting woes and maybe something Noah would enjoy using as well!

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