Monday, April 02, 2007

pieces of my heart...

On a good day you carefully dissect your portion from my heart
Taking time to provide proper anesthetic
Then carefully suturing up the remaining edges, closing the gap

On a so-so day, you forgo the anesthetic
And use a slightly blunted knife
Picking your spot at random
Your suturing skill leaving so much to be desired
As the wound left behind continues to weep

On a bad day, you are reckless
Using your hands you rip away large pieces of my heart
When the timing is right only for you
You choose a tasty morsel and devour it
No sutures, not even gauze to pack the wounds

You stand by, so self-absorbed in triviality
Unable to recognize your deeds
You grow larger, feeding off my blood, my heart, my soul
Wanting and always taking, you swell with pride and contentment

While I, continually sought out for one more shred of a leftover overlooked piece
Grow weaker, apprehensively waiting for the last drop of my blood
To drip from these veins
When finally, you will deem me of no further use to you
And sweep what's left of me into the trash
Along with the others you eliminated.

Copyright ©2007 Melinda A. Napoletano
Image Source: Yahoo Images

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