Saturday, March 24, 2007 this rate next week I will be mowing the grass...

yep. In 2 days my grass had greened up completely and has turned rather lush...almost like a golf course green. AND tonight I finally had to remove the boards from my AC outside and TURN IT ON. It was nice having the house open today was very warm and more humid than anything. I do not like humidity much....and it seemed to make the house feel very stuffy.

SO.....I closed everything up and the AC is running now and I am once again so reminded of how thankful I am to have it! I DO miss hearing all the birds and wildlife outside my dining room window to the backyard. BUT I can open it later if I want. nice and cool..........I love it!

I made cookies for Noah today......I got a turkey thigh and green beans. Now to put clean sheets on the beds.....I already had my shower.

Playtime with Noah too......


Unknown said...

our yard got mowed yesterday..and wisdom dictates I go to the doctor tomorrow..I'm beginning to suspect strep throat..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a busy day. Hope the turkey thigh turned out great. I noticed Angela was making pulled pork, I'll have to try that sometime. I hope Melissa is having a nice time at dinner this evening with her co-worker and friends.

Five more strong treatments, then eight booster treatments, then ALL FINISHED. Good thing, skin is getting pretty dark.

Have a good evening, love you both.