Friday, June 06, 2003

I had to write and tell you all that the LIVELIEST I have seen Keith recently was the other night. I NEVER normally do something this dumb...BUT...I was super gluing the kitchen table. I could not get the lid unscrewed so he was standing there and I stuck the super glue container in my mouth to hold still as I unscrewed the cap. The LOOK of HOPE and anticipation of results in his face and eyes was amazing. I KNOW he was HOPING I would glue my mouth shut. I caught his LOOK in the corner of my eye and I looked dead at him. We both got to laughing as he looked like a kid caught with his hands in the cookie jar. He was SUPER alert and like I the vulture waiting to move in for the feed!

It was actually pretty funny but also something like I said I would normally never do. I mean I don't want to end up on Oprah....hahahahaha


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