Monday, July 02, 2007

just a pissy ass mood...

Noah and I went to see local fireworks last night. Upon our return when I opened the front door a BIG-ASS spider jumps up the stoop and RUNS into the house. I am trying to STOMP HIM.....not sure if I got him or not. I never saw him again even after moving furniture.....but it creeped me out because it looked JUST LIKE THE SPIDER FROM THE VENT IN THE BATHROOM the other night!


Anonymous said...

Well you can only hope it was the same spider and you got him this time. They freak me out a little to. The big ones, little ones I can tolerate. Love you

poody said...

hey if the spider is in the vent thenit is a good bet that is how he entered the house. Take some panty hose and tear them into pieces that will fit over the vent. Remove the registers and put the hose over the vent and then replace the registers and there you have it no more critteres thru the vents! I do this for scorpions! and spiders! and bugs of any kind really I hate them all!

Melissa said...

Hey, that panty hose idea is a great one! I'm not sure I'd want to be catching scorpions...yikes, but of course I wouldn't want them crawling around either.....ewwww...

Melinda said...

thanks poody for the pantyhose is an EXCELLENT idea! I will have to see if I can somehow get my old-fashioned vents off to do that!