Thursday, March 29, 2007


Can be so simply said or forcefully driven
Sometimes more powerful than any body language
Subtle or direct
Mesmerizing and tantalizing
Some have raped me with their words
In every unthinkable way
Screwing me and using me for their pleasure and gains
Some have tried to kill me with their words
Driving them in like nails
Trying to make me go away and remove my existence
To soil my spirit
Some have caused my heart to leap with great joy
Whispering delights in my ears
Causing me to smile
Some have cherished and adored me
Like a cool dip on the hottest of days
So soothing to my soul
But I long for your words
Words of recognition and acknowledgment
Expressing my worth to you
Words that cause my stomach to flutter
My breath to catch, my heart to race
Dropping like kisses across my hips
Words that fuel the fire within me
Stoking it, seasoning the kindling
Until my flames rage out of control.

Copyright ©2007 Melinda A. Napoletano
Image Source: Yahoo Images

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