Thursday, February 08, 2007

Being True to the Inner You

We each operate within belief systems that are in no way exactly the same, even if there exist some similarities between them. In a way, we each walk around within our own bubble colored by our past experiences and the understandings and conclusions we've made about ourselves and the world at large from these experiences. We co-exist within multiple realities, yours, mine, hers, his, and so on. The beauty of this is that reality becomes about what's true for you at this moment. Before you can understand the true nature of your reality however, you have to look within and find out what your stored conclusions are.

For the most part, these are not at the forefront of our conscious awareness and so require us to look within and examine the layers of our attitudes. We have to check-in with ourselves and find out what our fears are and why we have them. What are they? Are there fears about our immediate world or are they shadows that we haven't faced? Look around your immediate surrounding. Are your fears about the world in this moment, your attitudes, based on what is immediately around you? Or is it based upon your perception of someone else's reality? If the latter, can you really know someone else's whole reality or do you only see the small snippet of the outer end? What does this mean?

We have to check-in with ourselves and find out how we define who we are. How do you define who you are? Is it through the identities you hold or is there something more to you? Are you friend, wife, son, daughter, and so on? Or is there something more?

In essence, you begin the train of questioning as to who you are, what you want out of life, what you think life has been about so far and where it is going, and engage with the layers of your inner understanding. It is only from here that you can begin to honor your own truth. To honor it, you have to first know it.

Being true to the inner you begins by understanding what your internal conclusions about yourself and the world are, and working within your own perspective to grow toward your version of truth. Khalil Gibran's poetic words on self-knowledge convey this beautifully when he writes "Say not, I have found the truth, but rather, I have found a truth." The point is that, no one can claim and convince you that there is only one truth. No one can come or should come and claim to you that they have your truth. What's more is that your version of truth will evolve as you do, as you grow and change.

Let the rose of self-recognition blossom in your heart so that you can live life directly from it

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i had a major satori yesterday..we are all the boundless,each of us a facet of that infinite jewel,unique yet similar..and each of us reflected within the gaze of the other..