Tuesday, September 04, 2007

day #4 no coffee.......

and I am feeling caffeine withdrawal symptoms......my head has been hurting pretty much now for about 3 days........ yesterday was the worst......and it is not as bad as it could be because my vitamin has caffeine in it......my migraine pills I ended up finally taking also have caffeine in them.

BUT......instead of going cold turkey with no coffee.......I am thinking I perhaps should have weaned myself down and then off it......something....I don't know.

My tea has been good but does not fill me up and satisfy me like my coffee did. My coffee gave me an extra kick and satisfied feeling......but I am sure a lot of that was the flavored creamer and not so much the coffee.

I know getting away from the creamer was a good thing......and one day maybe I can ration it out.......but it is doubtful. The coffee........I am not sure what to make of that yet.

anyway.....off to bed I go.........with a pounding headache.......and I have already taken migraine pills....

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