Monday, May 26, 2003

Well..I got SO MUCH accomplished yesterday I am still amazed! Finished hanging everything that needed hanging far as home decor goes. Also hung my flag bunting out on the balcony railing. Looks is old fashioned so the white stripe in between the red ones is actually an off white color....I may have to get the REAL red, white and blue...not sure. I like this but then again it kind of looks OLD..hahaha. Like I had it for a long time and it faded. BUT that is the way it is supposed to look.

Got the house all cleaned up and even the bedroom and our closet organized as far as I could. UNBELIEVABLE considering I have been needing to even START that for a long time now. The dust was unbelievable in our bedroom. I told Keith it was amazing anyone could breathe at night. SO MUCH nicer and better and organized now. looks nice.

Stayed up till 11:30 working on things. My back now feels like it is broken. BUT>>>I feel better and good about all I accomplished. I can see next week where I could actually COMPLETE the rest of my work...and then be ready for PAINTING the house!

Still more work to do. Gotta go.


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