Monday, March 17, 2003

RAINING cats and dogs outside.Getting colder too! I think we may be in for it this time round. WE are overdue and really could use any moisture we can get so we are not really complaining! If this were snow right now it would be unreal It already IS snowing in the mountains and foothills...

I could go to bed right now and sleep! I am so tired for some reason. I need to try to get my bills and paperwork done tonight and mailed out if I can. They have to be mailed out. None reall overdue...but I like to mail them early or definitely ON TIME.

The wind is slowly picking up. My windchimes are chiming more. I may have to take that one down later tonight.

Noah is eating pizza warmed up for his supper and playing his roller coaster game on the other computer. This keyboard is starting to mess up..will have to replace it soon.

Anyway....we did replace our windshield a week or so ago. A nice rock flew into it while Keith was driving to work. Made a HUGE crack. Had to replace it. So...a new windshield. Keith has been buying a lot for us lately. He bought me a carpet a new gas grill...and paid for the windshield for the car.....etc. Next is a tv...he wants to get a 25 or 27 inch one.

Okay. I am tired...want to finish doing a couple of things...put my jammies BACK on and do bills or sleep and do them later. Somehow however I doubt that will I better do it first. I DID make it to my meeting at work today. Will have to attend a few more this year. Also need to complete my manual for work. I REALLY need to do that. It was due in Jan....not mandatory but I would like to have it done before APRIL.

Okay..bye for now.

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