Monday, August 23, 2010

my quiche......

I was craving one so Saturday AND Sunday I made quiches...they were delicious with lots of variety of cheese, onions, chives, and some of my home grown cherry tomatoes. I was out of spinach so I tossed in some green peas! YUMMY!

1 comment:

Beth Niquette said...

We have had so little summer here my tomatoes are barely blooming. I have one tomato kind of turning color. (sigh) However, our wonderful next door neighbor has an incredible green thumb.

Have you ever seen string beans over a foot long??? He brought some over the other day and I was just begiggled over them.

They're Chinese beans, he explained. Aaaaah--I'm going to have to pickle 'em!

Your food looks so good--well, I'm tempted to down the computer screen. MmmmMmm! Those tomatoes, too...