Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wreck This Journal - Week 14....I continue on.........

I am continuing on in my journal. The biggest thing I have noticed when I work on my journal is how it just calms me and brings me a sense of peace. I also just realized I don't think about food when I work in my journal. It is like I get taken into another world altogether......where everything is sort of put on the back burner to simmer......while I let all my steam out. I can let out a breath. It has been a very good project for me to work on and develop more discipline with my creativity.

I have had a couple of family members pass on this summer. It has caused me to think a lot about family and what our family means to us. Time...and how precious it is...time already past. How we really should treasure each moment. I added a copy of an old photograph of 2 of my relatives from the past...along with old-fashioned vintage dolls and clocks. I colored the brown background with 2 different shades of brown crayon and then once I had enough wax built up I took a brown marker and went over that smearing it with my fingers to sort of stain it. I really like the patina effect it gave it.

AND I guess partially because I am totally aware of the passing of time as well as loved ones...among other reasons..I have really been having to fight off getting into a depressed state of mind. SO I figured since this is how I was feeling one day....I should just show it on paper.

On Labor Day I woke up to a nice wonderful rainy cool day ...and a tremendous migraine. I decided to do a page about that....

Another sun face......all in blue.....I just liked the colors so much and the face.....

I am not sure what got me to thinking about monkeys...and I always think of sea monkeys and Wizard of Oz monkeys when I think of monkeys. I love them both though the Wizard of Oz monkeys still sort of scare me!

Well.....I am sleepy......and will probably take a nap before the big Ohio State game tonight.

Question is......

WHAT have YOU wrecked lately??


Grammy said...

Hi Melinda, I added your link to Mr Linky. I love what you did with all the pages. I love the family page. This book is so full of creativity. I just did a video for the new book. Jeremy and I had a blast with it.
I hope you have a wonderful week.

Lawendula said...

Great work!
I started #3 yesterday and it really feels like home.
What I have wrecked in #2? come over to see it on Flickr: