Friday, August 21, 2009

Wreck This journey continues........

I had a little spare time to work on the journal again this week. I find my mind has been occupied with fall....and the changing of the seasons a for the Color the Entire Page page.....I decided to just color in some fall leaves and campfire....and dancing flames....I was listening to "The Golden Compass" on CD which is fantastically done by the way with various voices reading the parts.....and I came up with this....I have always liked to imagine little dancing flames whenever there is a fire and I always think of fires in the fall because you always have bonfires or campfires or start fires in your fireplace. I always seem to smell leaves burning in the fall.

With the end of summer comes FAIR WEEK so I dedicated this to an image of a ride at the fair....but also correlating to life being like a you don't want to miss!

What can I say? I love comics and love mermaids and sea stuff....and besides....who does not like Aquaman and his flame Mera? I had to include them in this journal...and I WORE the journal by plastering on layers and layers of crayon and marker and smearing it around with my hands. I realize now I did NOT take a photo of my hand to show you....but trust me when I say....I am still "wearing" some of my journal still this morning!

I had fun with this one......just inking up my fingers and hands with markers and putting the results here on a nice peaceful mellow yellow color....

I followed directions here but added lots of bright colors....

Well...that is it for this week. I do have some special things I am working on for next week. Until then.....


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