THE SKETCHBOOK project.....go to the link on the sidebar for details...but you can participate for 25.00 to have a sketchbook shipped to you to fill up....and return...and it will take a tour with a ton of other sketchbooks all across the country!! I signed is going to be so much fun!
Thousands of sketchbooks will be exhibited at galleries and museums as they make their way on tour across the country.
After the tour, all sketchbooks will enter into the permanent collection of The Brooklyn Art Library, where they will be barcoded and available for the public to view.
Anyone - from anywhere in the world - can be a part of the project. To participate and have us send you a sketchbook that will go on tour, start by choosing a theme to the right.
We know how precious a sketchbook is. You carry it with you everywhere, spending months working on it. It becomes a part of you. When you're finished, share your hard work with the world. We'll make sure you stay connected with your sketchbook as it tours the country and after we catalog it in The Brooklyn Art Library.
Here is what you get...
After signing up, you'll receive a 5.5x8.5 inch Moleskine Cahier sketchbook.
Your book will tour the country
Every artist who completes their sketchbook and returns it to us will have their book included in the tour. Your book will visit galleries and museums across the country, putting your art in front of thousands of people. (Psst - this is a great way to add some new lines to your résumé.)
A custom library card
Every person who views a book, whether it be at the exhibition or in The Brooklyn Art Library, receives a library card to use while browsing. As a participating artist, you'll receive a limited edition library card with your name on it.
Can't make it to an exhibition?
With artists participating from all around the world, we know it's impossible for everyone to be able to see our exhibitions. But we don't like "impossible." We'll be filming exhibitions from the tour so our far-away artists can see first-hand how viewers interact with their work. And the exhibition at The Brooklyn Art Library will be broadcast live over the internet! Take that, impossible.
Your book is unique. And you can track it.
Your sketchbook will be given a barcode with a unique number - this allows us to keep track of your book and record who views it at every tour date and while it's in The Brooklyn Art Library. And after we catalog it, artists will be able to log-on and view realtime statistics about their book for years to come.
Viewing notifications
Each and every single time your book is viewed, you'll receive an e-mail or a text message alerting you what city it was viewed in and the first name of the person browsing through it (well, only as long as they provide their name!) Even better, you can turn these notifications on or off at will.
Never get lost.
Just like your local library, we know exactly where each sketchbook is hiding. You can send friends, family, and art lovers to The Brooklyn Art Library and we'll be able to immediately pull your book - or any other work you may have displayed with us - for them to view. Same goes for our tour. We like to keep things organized.
Your information is in the pocket.
There's a handy pocket attached to the inside cover of every sketchbook. Inside this pocket, you can place a card that contains your artist information - anything from a short biography to your website address.
The project gets around.
As the Sketchbook Project has been growing over the years, magazines, newspapers and blogs have been keeping up with us - which means great exposure for you as an artist. CNN aired a piece about the 2009 tour, five participants were featured in a Time Out NY article about the 2010 tour, and PBS wrote an article about the 2009 tour which featured work from a slew of participants
Doesn't that sound like creative fun?? I am so happy my sister Angela shared this link and idea with me...I cannot wait to get started!
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