are some of the pages I have worked on and a few I have started on, but not yet finished.
I only STARTED redoing the cover and back. I found some old Victorian
Images I wanted to add to the front and backside. I also
want to add more and then DECOUPAGE the front and back covers.
I want to make them thick, sturdy, and chunky! Like a hard back book.
PLUS I have discovered things do not want to stick to the slick cover so
decoupage should remedy that.
I wrote on the sides "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE LOVE LOVE!"
On the "Create a nonstop line" page I always read it as "Create a nonstop LIFE" which was a subliminal subconscious weird thing.
SO, I decided I could do a map of my life.
If you click on it and blow it will learn some interesting facts about me.
(OF NOTE, this is a CONDENSED MINI version). AND even though this may be a bit too has become one of my favorite pages too.
On the drawing something ugly/nasty I could only think of a kid eating boogers.
WORK IN PROGRESS: I know I will do more to this page. I tried chewing it. The paper tasted NASTY!!
Once I started drawing these circles...I could not stop. Then I started seeing faces on the blue page, little round faces all bundled up in snow suits and furry hoods. SO I started to draw that. The other side was a sunnier background so I ended up making those flower faces. I will probably add SNOW to the blue page as it seems "wintry" to me and green stems to the sunny flowery page. This I think has become one of my favorite pages.
I decided to document my 4th of July cookout dinner with my family that was also my birthday dinner (as well as 2 of my sisters' birthdays albeit belated). I had taken my journal with me and then added some things to it later.
OKAY...when I first got the journal I was thrilled to see a "LEAVE THIS PAGE BLANK ON PURPOSE" in the book. NOW that I have been working in the journal I found I could NOT leave it blank. I found this cute little girl cut out to add to the page...cause I could not resist. She faces the "CRACK THE SPINE" page I did and her expression was just like mine was when I had to initially even think about cracking the spine of this book!"
These pages reminded me of old I added some school images ..sort of. I also did a #13 on the number page and added a black cat. Most people do not like the number 13 but I love it. AND Halloween...which this then sort of reminded me of.
One word always in my mind....LOVE
My "Draw with glue" page sucks. I am very disappointed in it. I tried using a cheap glitter glue that was nasty. I scraped it off I don't know how many times. I doubt I will go anything more to this unless I get some better ideas!
I added some more to the "Ask a friend to do something destructive to this page" page...I had already posted this last week showing the tire treads but I added more to it.
AND of course I did a real-time VIDEO of taking my journal into the shower with me...a couple of posts before this one if you have not yet seen it. IT did turn out pretty funny. I never thought I would be able to do that, but I did! ONCE in the shower with me I also shaved it and gave it a spa treatment!
For anyone wishing to see that post you can go here:
So that's it for this week. I am also working on many other pages, but I figured this was enough to post for this week!
What have YOU wrecked today??