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asks us this month "What do you want to bring to life in this final part of the year? Is it time to breathe some fresh energy into your 2009 goals and intentions? Is it time for completion and clearing? Are you already starting to cast forward into 2010? What will you dream of under the Full Frost Moon?"
Well I don't know about everyone else....but I have a lot of things left unfinished and I would like to finish as many as I can before the end of the year. Now I know I always tend to bite off more than I can chew and I always try to tackle everything all at once instead of breaking things down into smaller very often nothing I want to do gets accomplished as I am too overwhelmed to even begin. OR I begin, but never complete a project.
I have a lot of organization still to do in the current home I live in to make it more streamlined and functional, more cozy and roomy. I have a lot of boxes to finish unpacking and then put away....or move off site into storage pending a possible move next summer. I have lived in my current space with boxes around me for about 3 years and stuff piled around. I feel choked and suffocated and always have things hanging over my head that need to be done. I am not sure why I always do this. DO I fear once I get things done of the free time I will have? Am I afraid I will be "finished" and I would have nothing left to do which is of course absurd. There are always things to do and new things to learn. My life will never be "finished."
BUT the procrastination or not completing things I set as goals is really bugging me tremendously.
SO before the end of the year I want to focus on organization....getting my house in order literally....and clean....getting myself in order and healthy and lean.....(or on the way at the very least).......and taking the free time I do end up getting and really enjoying all my moments.....remaining childlike so I can really enjoy the upcoming holidays with my son and family.......and enjoy the real vacation time I am planning on taking during the holidays as well. I want to EARN my time off though so I have a lot to do. I am hopeful I will be filled with tremendous physical energy to complete all the physical things I must do before the holidays......and the rest should come pretty easy after that.....or at least I hope!
I'm just imagining you with all of those accomplishments done and done and that joyful exuberance in that upper left corner. There's a real spiritual feeling to your dreamboard too.
What a beautiful invitation to finish the year with a sense of accomplishment, playfulness and celebration!
thanks Jamie!
This is such a beautiful, winter-like, sparkling dreamboard with wonderful words! I hope you will be able to relase, let go, of those boxes and make your house beautiful for a peaceful holiday! Take care!
I'm in the "getting home and hearth organized" mode and it feels so great. You'll love it and it will open up your creative well. Have a wonderful month under the frost moon!
Your dreamboard has such a wonderful, dreamy quality to it... it makes me to jump in! Enjoy this process of cleaning out and completion.... you're making room for such wonders ahead!
I know how you feel . I have never fully unpacked either. I love your dream board. It make wither look so inviting.
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