With the end of summer comes FAIR WEEK so I dedicated this to an image of a ride at the fair....but also correlating to life being like a ride...one you don't want to miss!
What can I say? I love comics and love mermaids and sea stuff....and besides....who does not like Aquaman and his flame Mera? I had to include them in this journal...and I WORE the journal by plastering on layers and layers of crayon and marker and smearing it around with my hands. I realize now I did NOT take a photo of my hand to show you....but trust me when I say....I am still "wearing" some of my journal still this morning!
I had fun with this one......just inking up my fingers and hands with markers and putting the results here on a nice peaceful mellow yellow color....
I followed directions here but added lots of bright colors....
Well...that is it for this week. I do have some special things I am working on for next week. Until then.....
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