oh yeah...Thursday! Well Noah is feeling much better after being sick for a couple of days. I think it was mostly allergy symptoms and crap in the air and sinuses. He never had this in Colorado....and neither did I.
I decided instead of me trying to mow the yard today I would pay the Reverend Wynn to come mow it. Same price as last year.....no worries from me. Even takes a check. SO I called him up.....he came over and the yard has been mowed. I was really hoping that his mower would cut off all my dandelions in the yard as my yard is starting to resemble more of a wildflower field.....but it did not. They are all still there. In fact I swear there are more now than before! Oh well. I know they won't last forever and it adds a dash of color to all that green!
I have no worries now about stirring up allergy symptoms in myself. If I had mowed I would have had to wear a mask over my nose and mouth and my sunglasses....complete long-sleeves and gloves......if I do that....even in the middle of summer...I find I have no reaction to cutting my grass. IF I DO NOT.....I get a horrible sinus headache and allergy symptoms. SO>>>>>>>I dress like a fool in the heat and protect myself. I actually don't mind as I mow pretty early before it ever gets too hot and come in and shower to cool off...the mask I am used to. I imagine the neighbors wonder about me but so what. I don't think they have seen an exposed area of my body since I have lived here yet and I am not about to start now! If covering me up and protecting my nose helps me avoid sinus symptoms I will do it!
I just had a nice steamy shower and am ready for some dinner. I think I will grill some chicken and have a plate of salad greens. Sounds YUMMY! I need to try to get some work done. I have had a very hard time focusing lately. I think that is a recurring pattern for me.
They also say when you come in, you should put on different clothes and launder the ones you wore outside.
They say during the bad allaery times, you SHOULD NOT dry clothes out doors. That was another reason I got rid of our clothes line.
Hope you were able to get some work done after we left. We picked up two Maid Rites a piece and ate them on the way home. Nothing to drink, should have gotten something even if just water.
Went home and got my ticket to show we had paid for a membership and went back to the Aullwood Center. This time, while walking through the wooded area, your Dad said it was the President's plane, but because of all the trees, his photo didn't turn out tht well. We found out later, that was about the time he was to land, and Aullwood is very close to the airport.
More later. Love you.
yes....I do that. I change clothes and wash them......I even sweep the floors in case I drag in grass!
At least I got by this time cause I let the man mow it. They do it as part of a church group and the money goes towards needy people...so that is good. They build houses and schools and stuff like that with the money.
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