This morning I am trying to do something new...getting ready to really honestly sit back and reflect all that has come to pass in the year 2010 in my life. I want to reflect on what has happened, what I did, what I learned, and what I would still like to do or perhaps have done differently. There is always a lot to contemplate this time of year ...and I think that is one reason many get depressed.
But seeing this gorgeous sunrise this morning reminded me of how bright the future can be...our next tomorrows, your tomorrows. We only have to take a brief moment to find a bit of beauty and light already within our immediate environment, each of our small little worlds. I just happened to be walking by my front door and closed window blinds when I noticed an orange hue peeking between the cracks..and when I looked out this was what I saw. Hope of a new, bright day.
So as we head into this new year, I want to remain focused on that. Lightness, beauty, brightness, hope.
I want to wish you and yours a very happy, healthy, safe, prosperous, and blessed new year!
I guess I have been feeling a little of the COLD aspect of the Full COLD Moon this month. A few things have happened this year to really snap me back to reality in regards to people and how many are not whom they try to portray themselves as being. You would think one would learn this and remember it for future use...but...I guess I still believe in giving one the benefit of the doubt....or believe in honesty and integrity....truthfulness...only to find once again I know few around me that understand these qualities and characteristics. SO...I have had my eyes shaken open and now they are WIDE sense of dreams feels like a bug that has been stomped on...left with broken legs and body to wiggle around on and not get anywhere. Things are weird right now and I have a lot of things that have been left unsaid....for there is really no reason to say them other than to make myself maybe feel it will not change a person....or reality...or even me. It changes nothing but wastes a lot of energy. Maybe I should record it on tape and burn the tape or something...I don't know. Part of me is a little ticked off ...not at the entire world...but a definite select few. I am over it though at the same time....because I realized it is their problem and only mine if I allow it to be and it is so not worth it. Life is too has too many possibilities to allow creepiness and crap to seep in.
So...after spewing out this first December dreamboard....I went back to attempt to maybe help me see my way into the coming new year.... is my second December moon dreamboard.
I know I still believe in magic and dreams and that I am the one in charge of creating my own reality. This is a very magical time of year and I absolutely refuse to let anyone destroy that for me. This next year will be a time of growth for me....of making dreams come true and accomplishing goals....of determination and hard work...of changes.....and to be honest...I am tired of waiting around for my life to sort of happen on its own....I gotta make whatever happen happen if I want it look out 2011!
and wow...I have not eaten meat for a week! I have been craving more veggies ....and enjoying eating them more. It is very odd for me because for years I have been the opposite of a vegetarian...more a carnivore. BUT recently after thinking about animals again and how they are raised and killed and seeing some pretty horrific video feeds....and well...just NOT craving meat as before since I have been taking my prescription strength vitamin D....I have gone meatless.
I have had more energy had less heartburn and generally felt much better since doing so.
NOT sure I will become a 100% veg head.....but.....I now know I do not have to eat meat all the time and I am fine and feel good.
Meanwhile I got our Christmas tree up and son's tree up and to clean up the house a bit this week...and we are going into the holiday season simple.....slower...and enjoying it more. I am not overdoing the decorations....we are doing more local holiday events...and watching more holiday shows on television and listening to more holiday/seasonal music.
I have been accomplishing more at home...and slowing making huge changes. I am thankful.
My body is a little weird now...and I am still anxious about a few things pertaining to that...but I know longterm all will be okay way or another.
I am not sure what this board means....I just went through and picked some items that appealed to me....I see some magic in there....a few memories from the past....snowflakes..snow...glitter...snowmen....wishes...I have had a really hard time lately with my attitude and trying to hold onto the magic that I usually always have...especially this time of year.....but I think the DISJOINTED snowman is sort of representative of how I have been feeling emotionally lately...though I have not given up on my dreams and the magic of life itself....I do however realize there are a lot of people in the world who are just crap and do crappy things and well..enough said.
What can I say? I have a lot of issues going on in my life right now...many pertaining to things regarding my health that I have to take care of. Something I don't normally have any problems with...or at least not for a very long time. One big issue dealing with my bones have been on my mind a lot. My house and things I have to do with it have also been on my mind..and wondering if my body will be able to keep up with all the requirements of things needing done around here one day. I have always been able to do anything that needs to be done and always felt I would....but I do wonder now. All the while the ever present time/clock always tick tocking in the background.
I really feel the me I used to know has died multiple deaths...and a new me always emerges.... Sometimes better...sometimes not....and then usually at some point along the way that NEW me passes on too.....and another new me shows up. I continue to change and hopefully evolve...but there are times I feel like I am being slowly erased away. I feel like I am falling/failing in multiple areas of my life right now....not really doing all I can...and yet I take refuge in my home, in my room, in my bedroom, in the comforts I surround myself with in my environment that I am also slowly changing.
I love the moon and how it always seems to look in on me and make me feel better when I see it. It grounds me. I have talked about this before. BUT right now in my life I have many journeys to face, a couple of probable surgeries, and some major life decisions to make...all the while as I continue to transform my house and STUFF as I also transform myself. ALL hopefully for the better!
a great way to use your mini cookie cutters...or larger ones..or make cheese straws that look like French fries. I made a batch for the first time tonight and WOW...they are the BEST gourmet tasting cheese/spicy cracker I have ever had! I doubt I ever buy store bought crackers anymore! These are soooo good....the house smells so wonderful...and you could make so many varieties! I added cheddar cheese, American, Parmesan and dill seed to mine....AND pepper flakes. WOW!! Here is the recipe:
Here is the main recipe but feel free to change it up to suit your taste!
Cheese straw dough/cracker recipe:
•1 1/2 cups (about 4 ounces) grated cheddar cheese ...•4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, softened and cut into 4 pieces •3/4 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting •1/2 teaspoon kosher salt •1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes •1 tablespoon half-and-half
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2. In a food processor, combine the cheese, butter, flour, salt and red pepper and process in five 5-second pulses until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add the half-and-half. Process until the dough forms a ball, about 10 seconds.
(I do not have a food processor but you could use a mixer and/or bread machine ....I just cut in the butter like you do for pastry using a fork)
3. On a lightly floured surface, using a lightly floured rolling pin, roll the dough into an 8-X-10-inch rectangle that is 1/8-inch thick. With a sharp knife or a pizza cutter, cut the dough into long, thin strips, 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide (dipping the knife in flour after every few inches ensures a clean cut). Gently transfer the strips to an ungreased cookie sheet, leaving 1/4 inch between them. The straws can be any length, from 2 to 10 inches.
4. Bake the straws on the middle rack for 12 to 15 minutes, or until the ends are barely browned. Remove from the oven, and set on a wire rack to cool. Serve at room temperature. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OR USE your cookie cutters as below directions!!
Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface until it’s 1/8-inch thick, and cut as many leaves as you can. Transfer the leaves to a baking sheet lined with Silpat®, and chill them in the fridge for three minutes. Then bake them at 350 degrees F for 12 to 15 minutes, until the edges are barely browned.
When the crackers cool they’re intensely cheesy, buttery, spicy, crunchy, addictive, drool-inspiring, and yes, lovely.
OH MY ...I cannot describe how GOURMET these crackers taste and how quick and easy they were to make! I did not use half-n-half as I did not have any..I used 2% milk and I used regular cookie sheet with NO Silpat...they still turned out soooo yummy and did NOT stick to my cookie sheets.
CLICK ON PHOTO for direct link to take you to Art House for all the details. Sign up to receive a disposable camera from Art House, choose a theme that inspires you, and share your interpretation with the world.
Use one of our cameras to capture 27 frames on a single theme and then send us the results. We'll collect your contributions into a traveling exhibition and send them on a journey from coast to coast.
Anyone - from anywhere in the world - can participate in the project.
After you sign up for the project, we'll mail you a package containing a customized Brooklyn Art Library disposable camera, your selected theme, a return envelope for your prints, and detailed instructions.
Participants select a theme of their choosing. One you pick a theme and finish the sign-up process, that theme cannot be changed. Please choose carefully! If you select the "random theme" option, we'll let you know what your theme is when you receive your camera. The themes are intended to be a jumping-off point, not a burden – so feel free to interpret it as you wish.
Exhibitions and the Permanent Collection:
At least one print from each participant will be included in the traveling exhibition. The project will be installed into Photomobile, our custom-built library on wheels. Photomobile will exhibit the collected photographs at galleries and events from coast to coast. We'll also be digitizing select photographs and producing an expanded Web site that will launch next year.
Although we will continue adding tour dates, please note that all dates and locations are subject to change.
Please note that due to the design of the exhibition, we cannot return contributions to this project. Please make duplicates for yourself before mailing your photos to Art House. Participants must use the camera provided by Art House. Photos must be exactly 4x6 with no border. Photos should be printed on glossy paper. Each participant is guaranteed AT LEAST one print in the traveling exhibition. Mailing your work to us:
Please postmark your work by June 15, 2011. Please do not send mail that requires a signature. We will do our best to receive all work in person, but we are not responsible for items returned to sender. We try to check in all contributions as quickly as possible. However, it is a long process – especially as the deadline approaches. Please note: we will check in all work at least one week prior to the first exhibition date. Unforeseen issues:
Art House does everything possible to keep your work in tip-top shape. However, stuff does sometimes happen. Unfortunately, we cannot replace work that is lost, stolen, damaged or eaten by bears. We will work hard to make any unforseen situation better, but we are not responsible for these occurances.
Your work is your work. We will never ever sell your work without your permission. We will, however, use contributions in promotional materials, web ads, print ads, and the like. We will also publish your work in a companion catalog for the project. We reserve all copyrights to the published materials.
We will always do our best to respond to any questions or issues in a timely manner. To help us assist everyone quickly and efficiently, please read through our FAQs and the project rules before emailing us.
Stay informed! Sign up for updates from Art House and check back with the AMLP Web site to stay in the know as the project develops.
I know this board looks a little cluttered with leaves...and doll heads without bodies....mismatched and upside down....pages waiting to be written....doodles waiting to be scribbled....plans waiting to be drawn creations and life for me waiting to be born. At times I feel buried under so much.....and yet I try to still always see the light and feel the warm glow of the beautiful things that continue to surround me. I have been drawn to dolls and doll heads and bodies recently..especially antique vintage dolls...and old fashioned teddy bears...candles that glow...fires in fireplaces....glowing shiny gold color. This is a time of harvest...yet for seems to be a time I am sort of going into hibernation. A time of rest...which I guess would be appropriate after a harvest...but I have much work yet to do. My body however is not always cooperating right now...sometimes I am unable to move it much at all....I know there is rebirth for me soon....but right now I walk around sort of half present...trying to still slowly accomplish all that needs to be done before the fall season turns into the holidays and the holiday season into a new year. I know once I start to cross things off my giant TO DO list and take care of my body I will be reenergized and experience a rebirth. I hope so..or at least get to a point where I can sit back and rest this fall season and winter after I get the basics around here finished. I love this time of year and the upcoming winter season as well. I always feel a huge sense of coziness.....glow.....even if I am not that much of a bright light myself right now. was my annual physical....they needed to draw 8 tubes of blood...3 different nurses or phlebotomists blood ever came out of any vein they tried. NOW they are sending me to the LAB...when asked what they could do differently they did not know. Gee...what happens if they can't get any blood to come out either? I mean they tried multiple areas to stick me...heat....I think personally I was that did not help. I did not even SEE the veins in my arms I normally see. SO now I get to fast and go through it all again in about a week!
fun times!
My son was in the ER last night .....both of us got little sleep to say the least.
Today is so much like fall though....I LOVE this weather!
well I have had a weird month....most of the time I don't feel like doing much of anything...I have not been sleeping well if much at all...I have had a short temper at times...and have not been able to get the simplest things done. I have things I need to do...things I want to do...and yet I do not do much. Everything has been an just hang on and keep on going on has been a struggle for me. I do...I want to....I see a light at the end of a long dark tunnel...I do. I know it will get better and better....but wow. I have been zapped. We were asked what we would like to SHINE this month....well..I just want that light to remain on at the end of my dark I can find my way back home.
It is supposed to get chilly this weekend and after a lot of super hot summer days and tons of humidity I am looking forward to that. I saw a commercial on TV last night for chili and it put me in the mood for some. So today I stirred up a batch and then decided to make some sweet corn muffins...and use my pumpkin muffin pans! They turn out so cute.....and the chili was delish!
I was craving one so Saturday AND Sunday I made quiches...they were delicious with lots of variety of cheese, onions, chives, and some of my home grown cherry tomatoes. I was out of spinach so I tossed in some green peas! YUMMY!
has begun and we will be hitting it up from time to time. We stopped by yesterday for a bit...saw most of the exhibits and animals...had a good time. Did lots of walking! I am always amazed at all the things they judge in the exhibits. I noticed in the candy section some homemade buckeyes....I have to say I think mine look even better than this first place winner's does...but...I enjoyed looking at everything regardless. This year we saw where they put in decorated cakes. I have never seen those before...but maybe they always have them and we somehow missed them. There is so much it is easy to miss things at this fair!
after last fall we had 2 pumpkins left that we had not carved. Sometimes we don't have the heart to carve them up. SO I sat them outside in February or let nature take its course and allow them to decompose or the squirrels to eat their seeds. We actually got 2 pumpkin plants one year by doing this but NO pumpkins from the plants. The plants died.
BUT I happened to look behind the neighbor's shed a few weeks ago and noticed some large PUMPKIN PLANTS growing in her fertile soil...flower beds she has all around her shed. Now she does not ever plant anything there. There are flowers that come up every year...wildflowers and she trims them back I think sometimes....but she does not really pay attention to anything back there. She pays someone to come mow her yard so I am not sure she even knows anything is growing back there...
Guess what? The other day I saw something big and orange...and figured it was a pumpkin...and I was right! IT is growing pumpkins! I guess the squirrel decided to take some seeds next door and bury them in her flower beds! There is one pumpkin so far ....and it is very good size! I wish they were on our side of the fence....but they are not. I told Noah we will have to grow some of our own properly this next year or something.
Anyway...this really made my day to see this pumpkin!
I was so excited to come home from an errand to find this GIANT box waiting outside my door for me! It was filled with wonderful goodies inside. A great travel bag....lap blanket, books to guide me on my journeys, postcards/mugs/glasses, picture frame, jewelry box, bookmark, coaster, compass, so many things! My swap partner and I sort of had the same idea which I found interesting. She included lots of hand written notes to me...telling me she was sending me on a trip to New York. SO on the way she had me picking up different souvenirs...which were all items she then tucked away to me in my package! What a great idea!
She also included some candies from my childhood summers....the wax coke bottles was definitely one I remember along with the rock candy!
I got a glow in the dark puzzle of New York, coaster from New York...and New York mug....a mug from Philadelphia...a glass from Wright Patterson Air Force Base Museum....and just so much!
THANKS SO MUCH JULIE! I really like all the thought that went into this swap package!
I have always loved the Wizard of Oz. On my birthday this year I was stunned when I received this as part of the gifts my sister Becky gave to me. She took an antique overnight bag and transformed the INSIDE to all about the Wizard of OZ! I have to say when I opened it it took my breath away. It was gorgeous and easily transports me to a magical place! The photos do not do it justice. Inside is a yellow brick road, POPPIES, magical things! There are apple trees and apples, a witches broom and bucket of water that melted her. Flying monkeys...the works. She did an amazing job!
My youngest sister LOVES Edward from the TWILIGHT series....and she wanted me to make her an antique luggage redo with an EDWARD/TWILIGHT theme....well then she saw NEW MOON and realized she also loves JACOB. I decided to make the outside of the luggage all about Edward...and then to surprise her...make the entire inside all about Jacob! I filled it with a few presents when I finished it. This time I added some trinkets and embellishments too. I have to say I was really pleased with the end results and she loved it! She squealed when she opened it and had a hard time breathing for awhile. It was actually quite funny.
My sister loves ERIC NORTHMAN from the HBO series TRUE BLOOD (as well as a few other vampires) so for her birthday I redid an antique overnight bag all with images of her favorite vampire....Eric. Needless to say I liked how it turned out and she loved it! I am really getting into doing these trunks/luggage.